søndag den 25. maj 2008
Et djævelsk blik...uden for amtet
Flyvende valuta
Stille fugleaften ved Hassensør
onsdag den 21. maj 2008
Sørgedue Zenaida macroura, 20.5.2008, Skagen
Nedenstående blev sendt i personlige mails til flere bidragsydere, som venligst kommenterede på en kort forespørgsel på ID Frontiers:
I hope you have time for a few comments on a Morning Dove found in Denmark in Scandinavia.
Photos from different angles can be viewed here and here, just click the photos and the will enlarge for you.
If accepted as a potential spontaneous record, it constitutes the first ever record for Scandinavia accepted in category A.
The big question for the Danish and other Scandinavian birders is now whether the photos support a determination of subspecies as well as age class?
I have several questions that European birders can’t answer
Subspecies: Are the exposed primaries and wings in general long enough for the bird to be either an Eastern mourning dove (Z. m. carolinensis) or a Western mourning dove (Z. m. marginella)? Can we exclude the more southern subspecies by the length of primary projection? Is the plumage in general pale enough for the bird to be an Eastern mourning dove (Z. m. carolinensis)? (source: Birds of North America (BNA 117, 1994) and http://www.birds.cornell.edu).
Sex: Does the fact that the there are extensive white tips the three outer tail feathers in each tail side suggest a male? Does the fact that the bare skin around eyes is turquoise blue suggesting male? (source: Birds of North America (BNA 117, 1994) and http://www.birds.cornell.edu).
Age: Does the fact that the central tail feathers are relative short compared with other tail feathers indicate a 2.nd calendar year age class? Is it true that the gap is vinaceous in immature birds and vinaceous to deep vinaceous in adults, and what does that indicate about the Danish bird? (source: Birds of North America (BNA 117, 1994) and http://www.birds.cornell.edu).
Hope you can help with some of the questions.
Thanks in advance
Kent Olsen
Member of the Danish Rarities Records Committee
ude godt, hjemme bedst...
tirsdag den 20. maj 2008
En ude af amtet oplevelse...
søndag den 18. maj 2008
Turen rundt
onsdag den 14. maj 2008
Rødtoppet Fuglekonge, 12.5.2008, Emmedsbo Plantage, Gjerrild
For at fuldende dokumentationen af fundet er der nu to forskellige optagelser af den syngende fugl online, hvilke kan høres ved at trykke play på afspillerne nedenfor og skrue op for volumen. Det er lidt meget at gøre ud af en Rødtoppet Fuglekongen, men nu er der teknisk erfarring til næste gang, hvor det er mere vigtigt med dokumentation ;-)
Rødtoppet Fuglekonge, 12.5.2008, Emmedsbo Plantage, Gjerrild
mandag den 12. maj 2008
lørdag den 10. maj 2008
Long may we run...
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